Miller named Coordinator of Educator Effectiveness

Miller graduated from Central High School in 1992. In 1996, she earned her Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Education from Winthrop University. In 2001, she earned a Master of Education Degree from Francis Marion University in Instructional Accommodations. In 2018,Miller earned her Educational Specialist degree from Wingate University in Educational Leadership.
Currently she is a doctoral candidate at Wingate University. She also is a licensed K-12 Administrator in South Carolina.
"Miller’s extensive background and training has prepared her to take on her new role as Coordinator of Educator Effectiveness. She possesses the ability to relate to all community stakeholders from all walks of life, crossing all generations. She is very passionate about supporting new teachers and veteran teachers inside and outside of the classroom," says Dr. Chan Anderson, Assistant Superintendent of Personnel and Planning for the district.