Chesterfield High students take first in Mechatronics competition

Mechatronics integrates the fields of mechanical, electrical and computer engineering and information technology and focuses on the interfaces between the different technologies. 

There is an urgent demand for the very best quality products and services that can only be supplied by a high level of productivity which requires automated manufacturing and process engineering systems. Students that have all these skill sets are in high demand and have the potential to become a valuable part of today’s workforce. Chesterfield High’s Mechatronics program introduces students to various automated systems and their theory of operation and maintenance while stressing safe work habits.  

 "I frequently speak with people that do not understand Mechatronics," says Jeff Spencer, Chesterfield High Mechatronics Instructor. "I explain to them that their cars and trucks along with the machines used to make their clothing and just about anything else they can think of are comprised of Mechatronics systems.

"My students learn the basics of how these systems work and how to design and repair them. I’m very proud of what these students accomplished at the State competition and look forward to travelling with them as they represent Chesterfield County and South Carolina at the National Competition this summer. Our workforce needs skilled employees and hopefully this will show that we are getting the job done."

PHOTO: Devin Griffin(L) holding the banner and Grant Sellers(R) holding a scholarship they received. They were each also presented with a set of tools.
